The five artists have been called to reflect on Giacomo Leopardi's poetic testament La Ginestra (The Wild Broom), highlighting, according to different but, at the same time, similar sensibilities, the contemporary value of the poem through installations, video and photography.
To the "impious Nature" of the "proud, foolish century", the artists respond with works of conceptual strength, which meet the poet’s invitation addressed to intellectuals to stimulate, through culture, a collective consciousness that transcends individualism.
La Ginestra exhibition is a visual reflection that aims to draw attention to the importance of culture and collaboration, priceless resources available to human beings; an invitation to observe small things, the silence of a simple gesture, the passing of time and the potential for action that they present.
La Ginestra
Ismaïl Bahri
Charbel-Joseph H. Boutros
Paul Hage Boutros
Christian Fogarolli
Marco Godinho
Group show